How to read your ebooks:
If you purchased ebooks and/or audiobooks, please click the button to go ahead and download. The books are also already emailed to you and they are available in your personal BookFunnel app library.
Audiobooks: Download the free BookFunnel app from your app store. Log in with the email address you just used at checkout. Click "Library" at the bottom. Click your audiobook and start listening.
Do you have the BookFunnel app? Download the free BookFunnel reading app from your app store. Login using the email address you used at checkout. Your books are INSTANTLY in your library! Read directly from the app, or use it to quickly send the books to your kindle app (which puts them in your kindle library, so they are available on any of your kindle devices) or click to send to Nook, Kobo, and more!
If you ordered paperback books, you order is being processed and you will get an email with your shipping confirmation and tracking number soon.
***IMPORTANT*** Please make sure your email address is spelled correctly! A correct email is necessary to receive eBooks, sign into your library and app, and to receive shipping confirmations. You should already have a confirmation email and download instructions in your inbox. If you do not, please email me at [email protected] immediately. eBooks are sent to the email address as provided.